Read the SVN manual about template files.
In a nutshell. If you have a file that people need to customize on their
machines, but NOT check in to the repo, then use a template.
Say the file you want to edit is called 'config.txt'
1) Create a template '' and check it into the repo
2) Add config.txt to the svn:ignore list for for the directory in which it
3) Tell the users to copy to config.txt and modify to their
hearts content. When they do a commit, it won't be in the list (because
it's ignored)
NOTE: You can't ignore a file that's already checked in. Actually, you can
add it to the list, it just won't do anything.
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:03 PM, Grigolon <> wrote:
> Hi people,
> It is possible to delete the files that are in my computer under TSVN
> control and not on the SVN itself? Because when I delete file, and
> then I run a "commit" command, the delete file is included as missed,
> and it delete from the SVN server. I don't want that!
> Here in my company we need to download only some files, work on them,
> and we its complete, delete it from the computer.
> How can I do that?
> Thank you,
> Grigolon
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