Hi there,
I recently upgraded my TortoiseSVN client from 1.4.xx to 1.5.3, and
now I'm getting the following warnings back from the commit window:
---- The Error ----
'post-commit' hook failed with error output:
System error 85 has occurred.
The local device name is already in use.
Failed loading C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendOptimizer-3.0.1\lib
---- The Error ----
The setup in a nutshell is two servers, both running Windows Server
2003 on the same network segment.
The repository has a post-commit batchfile and the webserver itself is
running some version of IIS with a PHP Plugin for Mantis and like
---- The batchfile ----
REM Post-commit hook for MantisBT integration
SET LOG_FILE=E:\svnfile_%REV%_Log
echo ****** Source code change ******>>%DETAILS_FILE%
echo SVN Revision:%REV%>>%DETAILS_FILE%
svnlook changed -r %REV% %REPOS%>>%DETAILS_FILE%
svnlook author -r %REV% %REPOS%>>%DETAILS_FILE%
echo ====== Commit Comments ========>>%DETAILS_FILE%
svnlook log -r %REV% %REPOS%>>%DETAILS_FILE%
net use F: \\barney\F$ /user:<snip>\<snip> <snip>
F:\php\php.exe -c F:\php\ F:\mantis\core\checkin.php <%DETAILS_FILE% >
---- The batchfile ----
Logging in via remote desktop, the .dll is available at C:\Program
and the SVN comment is getting into Mantis, so my guess is that the
error may have been occuring all along, and that 1.5 is simply pickier
about it than 1.4, but I wanted to check to see if it was some kind of
misconfiguration we could deal with, and secondly, is there any
potential risk of damaging the repository or anything like that?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated; Thanks for your time!
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Received on 2008-09-17 19:15:43 CEST