I have 2 branches now(there are more, but this isn't crucial). First
branch is trunk and second is feature branch form same language changes.
This feature branches I have created in 40 revision(I am attaching
revision graph and log for better orientation). My problem is that I
have added two files in to the trunk a button_09.gif in the 48 rev and a
reset.css in the 49 rev. Now I have done two merges(in both cases I have
used "Merge a range of revision" method) and it 42-50 from trunk to
this feature branche(in this merge was above two files) and 54-61 from
trunk to the feature branch at well.
In the 63 rev I have reintegrate this feature branch back to the trunk
and here is the problem. Every thing was merged without problems(some
conflicts but this I have resolved), but above two files was deleted
from trunk.(in 65 rev I have added this files back) (when I have
switched to the feature branch before reintegrate, above to files didn't
there) How it's posible ? Is this behavior normal ? When I have tested
this on simple project and when I have merged revisions where was added
some files, this files was copied to the feature branch, but in my
project didn't.
Can you explain my this ? Thank you
--== Silver Zachara ==--
- pgp - http://radeonvmod.ic.cz/keys/silver.zachara@gmail.com.asc -
Received on 2008-08-16 22:24:54 CEST