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feature request: show log current revision indicator

From: mnorland <mnorland_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 08:59:12 -0700 (PDT)

This (like all things externals) is a little convoluted... though the
same request should apply to any working copy.

We plan to use externals to pin disparate projects/repos into a single
directory structure, and use that for versioning releases. So, the
idea is that we have say 20 external definitions on a single 'release'
directory, and each one is coming from REPO_URL at a specific PINned

Now, the request. So you setup the above and do a release 6 months
ago. Then 6 months pass - when you go to 'show log' on an individual
directory, you see that repositorys log showing all changes up to
today. Unfortunately, there's no immediately obvious/easy way to see
within the log what revision you're actually at, to 'at a glance' see
what's changed, or where you were, or easily see what changes went in
right before the release.

I'd like to get peoples ideas on two possible behaviors:

1) bold the line of the current working copy revision.
   This seems relatively trivial (it's information we have close at
hand) and I don't imagine it would be annoying in any context. Even
in a standard working copy, it can be useful to see immediately what
commits have happened since you last updated.

2) only "show log" up to the current revision, but provide an easy
option to 'get newer log messages'. This should only be done for
working copies that are PINned to a specific revision (or do we only
have that info for externals?).
   I wouldn't want 'show log' on a normal working copy to hide more
recent log messages by default, and I doubt anyone else would - but
for a WC that was checked out to a specific revision, or to an
external definition that's PINned - oftentimes you'll only be
interested in the changes that occurred up to that point (at least by

I'm interested to hear thoughts (or links to previous discussions, I
did a search... but terms being what they are...) on these. I think
#1 will likely cause few ripples and may add some nice functionality,
#2 has the potential to cause panic and confusion, so I'd be
especially interested on any thoughts on how to do that better.

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Received on 2008-08-13 18:01:30 CEST

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