Skippy Duck wrote:
> file://///Wd-fs/svnrepos/Usr/steved/MillWideSuiteWork/V16
> The checkout worked ok, but when I try a Show log with log caching
> enabled I get
> the same error:
> File not found: revision 2786, path
> The file properties on the top level folder read:
> file:///\Wd-fs/Software/svnrepos/Usr/steved/MillWideSuiteWork/
> Apparently file://////Wd-fs was mapped to file:///\Wd-fs by either
> TortoiseSVN or SVN.
> I looked around in the .svn folder and found that the "entries" file
> shows the working folder and the repository folder file names:
> file:///\x5cWd-fs/Software/svnrepos/Usr/steved/MillWideSuiteWork/V16
> file:///\x5cWd-fs/Software/svnrepos
From what I can see, this can be an ASCII <-> UTF8 conversion issue:
when mapping an URL to (repos, relPath), the repo root URL gets
chopped from the head of the URL. In your example, it seems that
it was short by 2 characters.
Maybe, I find some time to look into this over the next few days.
-- Stefan^2.
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