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Re: Checkout a "view" of the repository to limit working set?

From: Simon Large <simon.tortoisesvn_at_googlemail.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 10:05:02 +0100

2008/7/2 McGeeky <myles.jeffery_at_thinkscape.com>:
> Hi.
> Does TortoiseSVN have a facility whereby a partial repository tree can
> be checked out? I am not talking about simply checking out a sub-
> branch, but rather checking out a branch and stating that certain
> folders should not be checked out.
> For example, we have the following setup;
> Project
> Project 1
> Project 2
> Project 3
> Project 4
> Project 5
> I want to be able to check out the root project folder but specify
> that only Projects 1, 2, and 5 should be checked out. 3 and 4 should
> be hidden.
> Then I can right click on the root project folder and run commands
> such as commit or update and it will commit/update the projects 1, 2
> and 5.

In 1.5 you can, although you have to specify includes, not excludes.

1. Checkout the top level but set checkout depth to "Immediate
children including folders". That will checkout empty (unpopulated)
2. Select all the folders which you are interested in and use
"Update-to-revision", changing the depth setting to "Fully recursive".
You will then have fully populated folders of your choice.
3. A normal Update from the top level will remember your depth choices.

Note that it is not possible (yet) to downgrade working copy depth
yet. Once fully-recursive, always fully-recursive.


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Received on 2008-07-02 11:05:27 CEST

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