Hash: SHA1
Ralf Tobel wrote:
|> And btw: I have been looking at your screenshot of the ClearCase version
|> tree for ten minutes now, and I can't figure out what it is showing.
| The rectangles are branches. The circles versions.
| The red lines are merge operations. The text to the right of versions
| are labels.
| You can see the version tree of a file where you can see in which
| branches the file was modified.
| Usually I need the revision graph to see the history of one file. I
| wan't to see in which branches it was changed, how often it was
| changed, what were the changes.
| This is very easy in ClearCase.
ClearCase is not Subversion, and vice-versa. Please do not compare
completely different systems.
| The revision graph as it is structured today is almost useless for me.
Then don't use it!
| And still I think it would be possible to structure the revision graph
| in a similiar way allthough it's not the same as the version tree.
| But it might be that others are using it differently.
* merge lines are not possible to show in the graph because Subversion
doesn't provide that information (at least not in a way that takes less
than a week to fetch it from the repository)
* have you tried the 1.5.0-beta1 release yet? The graph looks very
different there than in 1.4.x versions
* Seems ClearCase 'optimizes' the graph to get the shortest lines
possible. You can do that with small repositories. If you however try
that with a really big repository (try the KDE one), you would have to
wait *hours* for such a graph to show. I don't know if ClearCase can
even handle such repositories...
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Received on 2008-04-03 11:14:21 CEST