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Re: Weird: TSVN automatically adding directories to my working copy

From: Paul Pcoder <paul.pcoder_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:41:58 -0600

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 12:23 AM,
Jean-Marc van Leerdam <j.m.van.leerdam_at_gmail.com> wrote:

> Try to get a log of the build process (are you using .bat/.cmd files,
> make or other build scripts?). There *must* be some sort of copy being
> done. The only way you can get a red check on a folder is to have
> modifications inside a folder that has been committed at least once
> (otherwise its status is 'added' and the icon is a blue plus sign).

Hi, thanks for your reply.

I agree, some copying is going on, or some logical equivalent of
copying is happening. It is very odd. The trouble is that the timestamps
don't make sense if it's a copy, and only some of the files under .svn
get duplicated in the /bin folder. If it's some sort of copy operation,
why don't the timestamps match, and why isn't it copying *all* of
the .svn related files?

You are right about the red check... I stupidly thought to myself, "OK,
svn thinks these files are in the repo, so I'll just delete them." You
can predict the results; since the entries files in /bin were identical
to the files in /src, I ended up whacking my /src tree out of the
repository. [ Que laughter from the audience, ha ha ha! ]

I do not have a log from the build process, there does not appear to
be any being created by eclipse that I could find. Eclipse is so
complicated under the covers, though. I swear, it's the emacs for
this decade.

At this time, I strongly suspect that something in Eclipse is going
horribly wrong. I am guessing that at some point I attempted to
install a SVN client plugin into Eclipse, and the install failed
miserably. The problem seems to be being caused by
*something* that understands SVN, but is horribly broken. A
broken Eclipse plugin is the only explanation I can see at this

I dug into the plugin folders for Eclipse, and I found no
traces of any SVN functionality, but that doesn't mean it wasn't
there. Yesterday, I attempted to install a SVN plugin, hoping
that a working SVN client would clear things up, but my attempt
to install the plugin failed. Thus, I suspect something is wrong
on this installation, as things are working fine on my other box.

> Since you did not report any changes to the SVN revision number for
> each build, I think you can rule out the possibility of a background
> 'add and commit' step in the build process.
> Have you tried creating a bin folder and setting the svn:ignore to bin/*?

No, I have not done this. I really need both of my configurations to be
identical, so I'm going to either find out what is wrong and fix it, or
nuke this machine and start over.

It's starting to look like one of those days when using *one*
nuclear warhead just isn't enough...

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Received on 2008-03-20 16:42:07 CET

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