I had an issue earlier with my working copy where I could not cleanup a
directory with an error message along the lines of :
"Could not copy .svn/tmp/text-base/<filename> to .svn/tmp/<filename>.tmp
: no error" (sorry - I can't remember the exact message).
Eventually, I figured out that the .svn/log file had an entry pointing
to the problematic <filename> in question. By deleting the 'log' file I
was able to successfully complete the cleanup.
I think the .svn mismatch occurred after I terminated the
'TortoiseProc.exe' process in task manage during an update (the cancel
button did not seem to work).
Is there any danger in deleting the log file ? Have I compromised the
integrity of my working copy ?
Received on 2008-03-11 10:16:48 CET