On TSVN nightly v11992 on XP SP2, I am seeing TSVNCache lock a number of
my top level WC directories and some second level directories. Exiting
TSVNCache obviously fixes the problem, but when it comes back it seems
to immediately lock some of the directories. The TSVNCacheWindow
doesn't show that it has crawled anything. Later crawling tends to lock
more directories, but the pattern to which ones it locks is a mystery to
I've been using Process Explorer to look at the directory locks.
Crawling appears to unlock everything, but when it's done a similar set
of directories tends to be locked. The weird thing to me is that when
Process Explorer shows that TSVNCache has a handle open to a directory,
sometimes I can rename it and sometimes I can't. Is this expected
Josha Foust
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Received on 2008-02-02 00:08:02 CET