> I like that idea, but propose to only support this functionality on files if
> the extended menu is requested (Pressing Shift). Otherwise it would only
> confuse the average user.
> Maybe it should also not be named "Diff" to clarify what the context menu
> item does. "Diff last commit"? Suggestions?
First we need to define "the last commit". If I'm the only person
working on a project or if I work on a separate branch, than there's
no problem. What if I'm working a on branch together with several
other developers? What is "the last commit" in that case? The last
commit that I made or the last commit that anybody made?
The reason I proposed this feature is that sometimes I want to see the
last changes I made to the file - either committed or not. So if we
follow my idea the last commit would have to be the last commit I
made. Like I said this is the feature I saw in ClearCase,
unfortunately I don't know what ClearCase does in the case where
several users are doing the commits.
About the context menu item: "diff" is a general term that could be
used for showing both committed and local changes. However, if the
entry changes to "Diff last commit" for files with no local changes,
the user is informed prior to executing the command that he's dealing
with an unmodified file. This I think eliminates the need for
additional notifications or warnings in TortoiseMerge.
If the entry display text changes, I don't think it's necessary to
only display it in the extended menu.
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Received on Mon Oct 29 08:22:27 2007