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Re: TortoiseSVN stale all-wcprops cache

From: Chris 'Xenon' Hanson <xenon_at_3dnature.com>
Date: 2007-09-29 00:29:29 CEST

Stefan Küng wrote:
>> What would have been the "proper" way to fix this so I can sort it
>> out if/when it next happens?
> Update the working copy, run cleanup.

   Yeah, I had tried cleanup prior to deleting the props file, without success.

> If that doesn't work, zip up the
> corrupted folder and send it to the subversion dev list for analysis.

   Exactly how much do you need? Just the .svn? The revision-controlled part of my working
directory is 130Mb by itself.

> Do you have some commit hook scripts running on the server which might
> not work properly? For example, if a post-commit hook script fails (or
> takes too long because it isn't started as a new process/thread), then
> the commit succeeds but the working copy isn't updated to reflect the
> commit.

   Just good old /usr/share/subversion/hook-scripts/commit-email.pl. I wouldn't expect
that to take very long or be prone to failure.

> You posted a lot of links to users describing problems with commits, but
> every one of them was due to different problems.

  Well, yes. I posted my symptoms, which were alike to those described by others. If I
knew what the underlying problem was, I would just fix it myself. I spent an entire day
Google-ing trying to resolve the problem myself, and thought it would be useful to cite
what I _had_ found that seems to be relevant.

> Do you maybe also use the cygwin client? That one corrupts working
> copies which are used by other svn clients because it simulates Linux,
> which handles working copies differently than windows svn clients.

   Nope, just Ankh and Tortoise. Mostly Tortoise, since Ankh is kind of limited, but now
we're trying to only use one to isolate the problem.

> Run chkdsk on your harddrive. It may be a bad sector which keeps messing
> with the data (happens more often than you might think).

   Hmm. Will do so, but the files seemed intact -- just stale.

> Do you get any errors when you commit?


> Do you often change properties on folders? Because to commit those, you
> usually must first run an update.

   Hitherto, I have not changed properties on anything. We're just getting started on SVN.
I am aware of the update-before-properties requirement.

> That's all I can think of right now. Maybe you can think of something on
> your computer/server setup that's not very common?

   Pretty vanilla. Ubuntu stock Apache & Subversion. Apache doesn't run any web pages,
just the repository.

> Stefan

      Chris 'Xenon' Hanson | Xenon @ 3D Nature | http://www.3DNature.com/
  "I set the wheels in motion, turn up all the machines, activate the programs,
   and run behind the scenes. I set the clouds in motion, turn up light and sound,
   activate the window, and watch the world go 'round." -Prime Mover, Rush.
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Received on Sat Sep 29 00:29:45 2007

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