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TortoiseSVN stale all-wcprops cache

From: Chris 'Xenon' Hanson <xenon_at_3dnature.com>
Date: 2007-09-28 23:08:24 CEST

  I just built a new SVN repository for my small R&D company. We previously used CVS and
WinCVS for nearly 8 years without any major problems.

Versions in play:
   WinXP Pro
   subversion1.3.2-3ubuntu (Ubuntu 6.06 LTS)
   Apache2 2.0.55-4ubuntu

   I'm experiencing the stale all-wcprops problem mentioned in these various pages:

   Many of the posts cite TortoiseSVN as a common factor, but not all.

   I've employed the deletion of .svn/all-wcprops as a workaround, and it helped. I'm
wondering if there is some way to troubleshoot this? I'm using https/DAV for the
transport. It has happened a couple of times with only three developers working on the
project, and I'm getting ragged on by the other guys for having switched to something
unreliable. :(

   We also have the AnkhSVN plugin for Visual C++ installed in VC++2005. We've used both.
For the moment, we're avoiding Tortoise to see if we can pin down if the error is also
present in Ankh.

   I found this issue:

   But it seems to have already been fixed in 2005 and my repository doesn't have unicode
chars in the URL.

   Any advice welcomed.

      Chris 'Xenon' Hanson | Xenon @ 3D Nature | http://www.3DNature.com/
  "I set the wheels in motion, turn up all the machines, activate the programs,
   and run behind the scenes. I set the clouds in motion, turn up light and sound,
   activate the window, and watch the world go 'round." -Prime Mover, Rush.
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Received on Fri Sep 28 23:08:45 2007

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