Andy Levy wrote:
> On 9/22/07, Alf Christophersen <> wrote:
>> Simon Large wrote:
>>> Just delete it using explorer. Nothing more complex than that. If the
>>> files are read-only, you will be prompted as to whether you really
>>> want to delete. Just answer 'yes to all'.
>> Couldn't "funny" things happen if you first lock all the files in the
>> repository, and then delete the entire working copy which holds the
>> locked files.
>> How do we unlock that situation ?
>> (Could be otherwise used to sabotage others work)
> Unless you have a pre-lock hook script, any other user can steal the
> lock away from that person.
Ok. Good to hear that :-)
Got a little bit worried about the previous message :-)
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Received on Sat Sep 22 20:22:16 2007