On 9/20/07, savera singh <saverasingh@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Will,
> Thanks for replying.
> <<Do you have multiple users or a single user?
> .... multiple users , but no more than 4-5 per project
> <<Is the repository local to the single users PC or is it stored
> ....elsewhere (a bad idea for file:///)..... The repository is on a shared
> network drive
This is a really bad idea. There are locking issues with some network
filesystem protocols which could leave your repository in a bad state.
Also, this requires that all users have full access to the entire
repository database, which significantly increases the changes of
someone accidentally (or maliciously) corrupting the repository - or
deleting it altogether!
> <<Do you need to control access to the repository?
> .... We are only dealing in documents and not in source code, so the
> emphasis is to have a "light-weight" solution ! Regards control -- we do
> need to restrict access to non-project team members.
Even so, because you're dealing with multiple users, you really ought
to be using a real Subversion server, not a file:/// share.
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Received on Thu Sep 20 16:03:45 2007