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"Message" lost during commit when collision occurs

From: Steve Midgley <public_at_misuse.org>
Date: 2007-09-19 01:43:12 CEST


First off, thanks for a fantastic product. Better by far than any
commercial CMS solution I've ever used. Your tool makes me a better
programmer every day. Please contact me at the email above for more
information - I'm not subscribed to your email list.

Issue/Bug: When typing a "commit message" into the input box, and then
clicking commit, if there are colliding changes to committing files on
the server, an error is displayed and user is returned to the Commit
dialog, however, the original message is lost.

(I personally have taken to copying this message into the clipboard
before I submit, as well as always updating before committing, but
darnit I forget sometimes and it's a real bummer to lose a very nicely
formatted, detailed commit message).

Steps to reproduce:
Create a new project
Add a few files (a.txt, b.txt, c.txt, for example)
Check it out into two folders
Make changes to a.txt in one of the folders and commit
Make changes in a.txt in the other folder.
  * Open the commit dialog.
  * Add a message: "Test commit message here"
  * Click commit
  o There will be a collision error (need to update before committing)
  Bug ==> When the commit dialog comes back up, the message "Test
commit message here" will not be displayed and must be re-typed.

Why this should be fixed:
Good commit messages are a best practice we should do everything we can
to encourage. This bug discourages commit messages, and especially long
and detailed ones (once bitten twice shy).

Anyway, I realize I don't have the skills to fix this myself, but I'm
hopeful that one of the core contributors will take this bug on at some

Thanks for considering it, and thank you again for a really wonderful


Received on Wed Sep 19 07:13:12 2007

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