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showing where the current wc is pointing...

From: fj <fj_at_effjay.com>
Date: 2007-09-18 04:57:32 CEST


1. a repository containing the normal trunk/tags/branches arrangement of

2. a file, X', you know is the wc for one of the instances of file X
found in several places in the repository, e.g. once in the trunk, once
in each of two branches.

3. there are uncommitted changes to the wc.

4. you don't know which instance of file X your wc X' is the working
copy for.

Alright then -- so I know I can use the tortoise context menu on wc X'
to bring up the commit dialog, which shows at the top "commit to" and a
url pointing to one of the instances of X.


1. Is there any other way to display where the wc X' is "pointing"

2. The commit dialog shows a path where the wc X' is currently pointing.
OK, fine. I tried the svn command "svn info" from the wc folder, and it
shows a different path. Granted, that may be a problem with "svn info"
and not with tortoise, but it seems like they ought to show the same URL
values. weird.

3. Unrelated question - if I do a "switch" of the wc from one repository
entity to another, does the switch event appear in any logs anywhere? I
didn't see it in the revision log, nor in the apache access log.

Thank you,
- FJ

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Received on Tue Sep 18 04:57:38 2007

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