RE: Feature request
From: <>
Date: 2007-09-13 21:36:47 CEST
Sorry for top-posting, but I'm in a rush...
If you read about the function on the msdn (or you trust Stefan's response, which I would advise since it's quicker), you would know that the function is for Windows Vista only.
That is all,
-----Original Message-----
Stefan Küng wrote:
I googled the terms:
symbolic links windows
and got quite a few returns that discuss symbolic links. many talking about third party utilities that make the underlying capabilities easier to access (e.g., and,
Others have pointed out potential operational problems arising out of having any kind of link in a repository -- I take no issue with that at all, but this thread seems to have gotten onto whether windows actually supports various types of links or not, irrespective of the advisability of having any links in a repository.
I know hard links are different than symbolic links (multiple entries in a table in the fs, vs a construct that intercepts io), but based on the info, samples of which I've just provided, I believe I am correct wr2 symbolic links on ntfs5+.
do you still disagree?
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