Andy Levy wrote:
> On 9/13/07, Edward Lau <> wrote:
>> Hi Good Folks:
>> Tortoise SVN should make Unix symbolic links and MS-Window short-cut
>> interoperable. At present, Unix links are converted into a text file.
>> My use case:
>> We operate in both MS-Window and Linux environment.
>> Documents and scripts are developed in both environments.
>> To reduce duplication, symbolic links are used in our Linux environment and
>> also checked the links into SVN. For us these links are all pointing to a
>> common parent directory within the same repository.
>> When my user check-out or update a project in a MS-Window' environment,
>> these Unix links should be converted into a MS-Windows short-cut.
>> When my user check a MS-Window short-cut and commit them into the
>> repository, they should be converted into a Linux symbolic link.
> Windows Shortcuts are not symlinks, they aren't even close. Attempting
> to use one as a substitute for the other is a bad idea.
Vista now has 'real' symlinks (see CreateSymbolicLink() API: )
But: there are some problems which will lead to incompatibilities anyway.
* it only works on Vista
* symlinks are limited to 31 per path (I don't think Linux has that
* only admins are allowed to create symlinks - which means the whole
feature is pretty much useless in svn since (I hope) that most users
don't have admin rights anyway
And most of all: that's a feature outside of TSVN. It had to be done in
the Subversion library or even better in the apr library. And that
means: the feature request should go to those mailing lists.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on Thu Sep 13 20:26:14 2007