On 9/11/07, Tim Uckun <timuckun@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all.
> I would like to request a rather large feature.
> It would be really handy for me to have a "tortoisebot". This bot
> would react to changes in the file system (I understand it watches the
> files already) and automatically lock files being edited. It would
> also automatically commit saves and automatically run updates on a
> timed basis.
> If it simply did an update, commit on a timed basis (perhaps set on a
> per project level) that would be good enough I think.
If you serve your repository via Apache and mount it as a WebDAV
drive, you'll get most of those features out of the gate. Only thing
you wouldn't get is auto-locking.
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Received on Wed Sep 12 03:06:09 2007