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tortoise overloading server with svnserve processes ... please help

From: Gore Jarold <gore_jarold_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 2007-09-07 17:31:37 CEST

Ok, I posted about this a week or two ago and I am
sorry I did not explain my problem very well, so I
will try again now.


The server is ONLY running OpenSSH. That's it. It is
not running a svnserve daemon, it is not running a svn
server, there is no config file or configuration.

If you ran an 'nmap' only port 22 would be open.
Normally, we see:

# ps auxw|grep svnserve|wc -l

So I repeat - there is _no_ svn server running.
However, subversion _is_ installed, and the 'svnserve'
binary is available to execute, remotely, over SSH.


the clients access their home directories with
svn+ssh:// URLs. This calls the 'svnserve' binary on
the server, but again, there is no daemon process and
no svn server running. When they are done with their
work, the svnserve processes die. Easy.


People using tortoise spin up a LOT of svnserve
processes - sometimes 10 or 20 or more. Further,
those svnserve processes take _hours_ to die off.

So if 2-3 people hit the server with tortoise,
suddenyl I have 20-30 svnserve processes running on my
server, and they will continue running for _hours_,
even if the clients are no longer connected and


Is there any way to limit the number of concurrent
remote processes that tortoise starts up ?

When tortoise hits a svn+ssh:// URL, does it start the
remote svnserve process with command line switches
that tell it to run as a daemon ? Or tell it to run
persistently ? Or do you expect the remote svnserve
processes to simply disappear when the client
disconnects ?

Is it possible to tell tortoise to disconnect after X
minutes ? Perhaps these users are just doing a little
work and leaving tortoise open (running) and it hangs
onto the connections forever ?

This is _really_ a problem - somehow ramping up 20-30
svnserve processes from tortoise is so intensive that,
if left running for a few hours, the system crashes.
This does not happen with a similar number of svnserve
processes started when users hit a svn+ssh:// URL with
the command line /usr/local/bin/svn

comments ? suggestions ? I really don't want to put
in a lame cron job to auto-kill svnserve processes
that look like they are zombies/ghosts, so I am hoping
that there are some settings in tortoise to get it to
be more polite ?


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Received on Fri Sep 7 17:28:27 2007

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