You could enforce a log message format that puts the reviewer's name
first in the log message. TSVN can help: The tsvn:logtemplate property
will cause a predefined message template to be loaded into the Commit
message box that would remind developpers where to put the reviewer's
Some other possibilities - if you are willing to allow unreviewed code
to be commited:
1. The reviewer could modify a property on the code file(s), then
commit that change with a suitable log message. Your build system
could run a script to check that the property was up to date on each
source file, then issue a warning if any weren't.
2. Developpers could make their commits to branches, and the reviewers
would update the trunk. (This has two main problems: Updating a branch
WC from the trunk; and merging changes from different developpers
would no longer be mostly automatic)
On 9/6/07, MT <> wrote:
> Does someone here know of a good way to allow a user to enter some custom
> text in a field during commit and view this when looking at the log? Here's
> the scenario:
> 1. Code was changed and reviewed by person X.
> 2. On commit, the author wants to somehow enter in tortoisesvn that person X
> reviewed the change.
> 3. When a show log is performed, the user can see that column to find out
> who reviewed the code with the person.
> Is there some other way to accomplish this if the method described above is
> not possible?
> Thanks for your help,
> MT
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Received on Fri Sep 7 01:12:22 2007