Domain server authentication bluez
From: David W. Wilson <>
Date: 2007-08-24 18:45:11 CEST
I'm an old UNIX guy in a Windows IT role these days, and I'm slogging
My SVN repository is at http://legolas/svn/swtools, I can browse this
123.321.101.58 - yoyodyne\\wilsond [24/Aug/2007:11:59:02 -0400] "GET
However, when I try to checkout using TSVN, I get a popup saying
Error PROPFIND request failed on 'svn/swtools'
Error PROPFIND of 'svn/swtools': authorization failed (http://legolas)
Which mimics the errors I get when trying to checkout from the command line:
> svn checkout http://legolas/svn/swtools
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/swtools'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/swtools': authorization failed (http://legolas)
In each case, the Apache log entry looks like
123.321.101.58 - - [24/Aug/2007:12:00:19 -0400] "PROPFIND /svn/swtools
And we see that TSVN and the svn command are apparently not passing
I have tried flushing my .subversion auth cache, to no avail.
I have checked the TSVN settings, and I can't find anything to force TSVN to
The fact that the command line checkout fails makes me think the problem is
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