Andy Levy wrote:
> On 8/21/07, David Hostetler <> wrote:
>> Stefan Küng wrote:
>>>> TSVNCache. It brings my system to a complete grinding halt.
>>> So I assume you wrote this mail from a different computer since you
>>> can't use the one which is in a 'complete grinding halt' ?
>> As a matter of fact I did. Not that it's relevant. Do you think I'm
>> overstating the problem?
> Unfortunately, many people *do* overstate problems when making their
> initial report, and it's important to separate true "system frozen"
> issues from the hyperbole.
>> Would you prefer that users who experience issues with your product
>> merely shrug their shoulders and uninstall it?
> Not sure where you got that impression from. He's just trying to
> collect hard data on the situation.
That's pretty generous of you. Stefan's reply was flippant and
antagonistic. Fisher picked up on it - hence his defensive reply as well.
>> It's been my experience that demonstrating a willingness to discuss a
>> problem collaboratively with a developer usually merits a warmer reception.
> I don't see where Stefan hasn't been doing this. What it boils down to
> is that there's probably something peculiar about your setup or your
> working copies which other people don't have. I haven't seen much data
> provided by you in this thread, just "it's happening to me too, what's
> the solution?"
Yeah, that, and my offer to apply the CacheTrayIcon test in order to
gather more info. I'd have done it already but I'm not working on that
system today.
Whatever. I'm content to just blame it on email if you are.
Back to the topic at hand:
The working copy that is exhibiting this problem is *not* a network
mount. It's on the local HD, and it's a repo that I access/update
regularly. This problem had never manifested prior to the upgrade to
tsvn 1.4.4 (and the accompanying svn upgrade). At least, not to any such
degree that I noticed. Contrary to Fisher's experience, I'm able to
bring up the task manager and kill TSVNCache without much delay. When I
do so, any open folders that were frozen on the desktop immediately
recover and display their contents (they go blank and don't refresh when
the freeze hits).
- David
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Received on Tue Aug 21 23:02:13 2007