Found this on the dev list:
Note, on a switch --relocate, the client will try to discover the
repos root to ensure the UUIDs are the same as what it used to be.
Another option is to --force the relocate - that should disable the
UUID check - it's a bit unsafe, but it would circumvent them from
needing to do a PROPFIND on the root of the repository. -- justin
Cannot find any switch --relocate option in tortoise.
:-) Bjørnar
Julien Nigay wrote:
> On 8/16/07, *Bjørnar Skinnes* <
> <>> wrote:
> A user with these permissions:
> [MYREPO:/]
> aaa =
> [MYREPO:/trunk/src/something]
> aaa = rw
> We dumped old repository, loaded into new repository with new name on
> new server, and
> user "aaa" now needs to relocate his working copy of
> /trunk/something.
> this user already checked out the
> https://oldserver/svn/oldrepo/trunk/something
> then he should be able to perform a relocate to
> https://NEWSERVER/svn/MYREPO/trunk/something
> but this is NOT happening with current permissions, giving only error
> message:
> PROPFIND request failed on "/svn/MYREPO"
> PROPFIND of '/svn/MYREPO': 403 Forbidden ( https://newserver)
> When I updated perm. to:
> [MYREPO:/]
> aaa = r
> ... the relocate worked.
> Stefan already answered :
> >That's expected. Subversion reads the repository root when relocating.
> >If that fails, it can't read the repository uuid and therefore doesn't
> >know whether the new URL points to the same repository or not. So it
> >fails.
> >If you like to have this changed, you need to ask for this on the
> >Subversion mailing list.
> >
> >Stefan
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Received on Thu Aug 16 15:12:23 2007