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Re: How to get Tortoise to update author,Revision,Date, Source

From: blewis999 <robert.lewis_at_shaw.ca>
Date: 2007-08-11 16:43:35 CEST

Andy Levy wrote:
> On 8/10/07, blewis999 <robert.lewis@shaw.ca> wrote:
>> Robert Roessler wrote:
>>> blewis999 wrote:
>>>> I am new to Tortoise SVN and used to use Tortoise CVS although I had a
>>>> very minimal grasp of that system. I used to be able to have Tortoise
>>>> CVS update the following into the files if there were certain
>>>> delimiters in the code. Is there a way to do this in SVN. I have
>>>> looked through the documentation but can't see the entries.
>>>> This really is an awesome program; it has saved me many times.
>>>> $Author: Copyright iMn MicroControl Ltd. - Robert Lewis$
>>>> $Revision: 1.23 $
>>>> $Date: 2007/06/20 03:11:52 $
>>>> $Source:
>>>> G:/cvsrepo-may-30-2005/FreescaleDemo/Common/lcdDispFcns.c,v $
>>> Sure, check out Chapter 3 of the SVN book: "Keyword Substitution".
>>> Robert Roessler
>>> robertr@rftp.com
>>> http://www.rftp.com
>> Thank you; I found this but it seems that there is another program to
>> run from a command line called SubWCRev.exe
>> This would be a lot of work for me as there are dozens of files in the
>> build. Is there anyway to get SVN to do this automatically for each
>> file when they are committed? It would be very problematic for me to
>> try and create multiple versions of the file (source and destination)
>> for all the changed files and get it right. Plus it would mess up the
>> build system because I would have to have different names and change
>> them in the build each time.
> Keyword expansion is done by the client upon checkout/update, not when
> committing.
> You can set properties on files automatically when they're added via
> auto-props, but that doesn't help with files already in the
> repository. You can run svn_apply_autoprops.py to apply the auto-props
> you have in your config file to a working copy, however, to get caught
> up. Or, you can just find all the files that need a particular set of
> properties, then right-click and choose TSVN->Properties and set the
> properties on all those files at once.

Thank you; but I can't get this to work. I have the following in a
header in the file
                                 $RCSfile: TimeFcns.c,v $

        $Author: Copyright iMn MicroControl Ltd. - Robert Lewis$
         Revision = "$WCREV$"
         Modified = "$WCMODS?Modified:Not modified$"
         Date = "$WCDATE$"
         RevRange = "$WCRANGE$"
         Mixed = "$WCMIXED?Mixed revision WC:Not mixed$"
         URL = "$WCURL$"

I did the following:
1) committed a change to the file
2) did an update, nothing changed in the header
3) created a new directory, and checked out the code, and nothing
change in the header
4) selected the file with svn properties and added a file with the
above contents in the add dialog, committed the file, then updated.
Still nothing.
5) deleted the file, checked it out and still nothing

I can't get the keyword substitution to work, although that is exactly
what seems to be the solution.

What used to happen with CVS is that on every checkout the revision
number and all the other parameters was changed. This allowed us to
know what code was actually in the final build.

So any method is fine, if someone could give a working example or
explanation it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for all the



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Received on Sat Aug 11 16:40:37 2007

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