On 8/6/07, Franck <f.montagne@isit.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm quite a new user of SVN/Tortoise. I just have a question because our need
> is very specific :
> For some internal reasons, we need to have several repositories. Each one will
> content several projects.
> This configuration is working now but we have to extend the list of
> repositories. As it is a lot of repositories, user will never be able to
> remeber the name of each one... So it would be great to be able to list these
> informations.
> Unfortunately, I do not know (but I'm a newbie) a way to get the list of
> repositories available. I would like to have a browser/navigator that lists all
> the existing repositories and then be able to browse one of these repositories.
> Does such tool exist ?
> For your information, I'm using SVN server, not HTTP.
I setup SVN/TSVN for some users at work. On one setup (using Apache),
I wrote a CGI script that lists all directories (in the main svn repo
directory) that are infact repositories (I looked for some key
files/directories if I remember correctly --- could have probably done
this better by using a command line svn tool). I then look up a
description in a INI file (which must be manually maintained) and
present a list to the users (formatted as tsvn:http://machine/repo
urls so they can check them out by clicking the line.
For svn serve, you could write a local script that did the same thing
and wrote the information to a file somewhere (which could be served
with a web server or accessed in some other fashion). Not the best
solution, but fairly easy to implement
This is a quick start to such a script. It could easily be modified
to output HTML or any other format you want.
REM $Id$
REM Generate a list of SVN repositories for remote access
REM 2007-08-07 KOG Created
REM Main SVN repo directory
SET rDir=c:\repos\svn
REM Output file (as text)
SET oFile=c:\svn-repos.txt
REM Base URL for output
SET bURL=svn://machine/dir
PUSHD %rDir%
ECHO # SVN Directories ^($Id$^)
FOR /D %%d in (*) DO (
IF EXIST %%d\format (
ECHO %bURL%/%%d
) >%oFile%
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Received on Wed Aug 8 04:37:44 2007