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Re: Suggestion : "ignore" a versioned file

From: fj <fj_at_effjay.com>
Date: 2007-07-27 17:00:04 CEST

Julien -

Yep, I know exactly what you mean, and I agree this would be useful.

Config files are a very good example of this. At one place I worked we
had standardized build files (Ant) that we'd include with each new
project set-up. Anyone needing to set themselves up to run builds made a
number of path modifications to their local working copies of those
files. Generally, we didn't check-in any of those modified files because
potentially we'd have as many different variations of them as there were
machines on which builds were set up to run.

We weren't using SVN, but operationally we'd have liked to have had the
feature you describe. Our tool could also, like SVN, be set to ignore
files by pattern, but as you point out, that capability isn't doesn't
quite do it for these situations.

Two suggestions, however:

1) As a partial work-around, especially for a configuration file
situation such as that discussed, establish the practice of naming the
committed "template" variation of the file(s) in question in some
distinctive way, e.g. "tmpl.conf.build.xml". Then, that's the only
variation versioned in SVN. In practice, a user would check-out
"tmpl.conf.build.xml" locally, and outside of SVN/Tortoise, i.e. using
the file system directly, make a local copy named something else like
"conf.build.xml". SVN/Tortoise, since it had nothing to do with making
that copy, will simply see it as another un-versioned file. Clearly not
as good as having the feature you suggest, though.

2) If your specific operational need happens to be setting up variations
of build files or some sort of configuration files across many users, I
can tell you how we worked that out if you're interested. It's off-topic
for SVN/Tortoise, but let me know if you're interested and I'll tell you
about it.



Julien Nigay wrote:
> Hi !
> I think a new feature would be great in Tortoise : the ability to
> "hide" a file that exists in the repository and that is under version
> control.
> - Why ?
> Because sometimes you need to modify a file and you don't want to
> commit the change. The problem is that this file will appear each time
> you'll want to commit the project's files and you are sure that one
> time you will forget to uncheck it and it will be commited. It's not
> the end of the world if it happens but it could result in time loss.
> - Example ?
> I use Eclipse. In order to have the same configuration on all
> computers, its config files are versioned. The problem is that I may
> not have the exactly the same environment (different file paths) and I
> may want a special configuration option only on my computer and not
> published in the repository.
> - How ?
> I don't want that the file doesn't appear in the commit dialog box
> because the risk is that the developper forgets that file.
> So, an "ignored" (find a better term) file should appear in the dialog
> box but with its checkbox unchecked and displayed in a special color
> so that the user can see he has an ignored file.
> So that feature would enable the user to indicate that he doesn't want
> that file to be commited until he has decided to.
> Unless you can give me another way to do that, it would be a useful
> feature for me (I have other cases where I'd like to have this feature).
> I tried to ignore the file in the properties but it seems that it's
> not working, the versioned files are not ignored (or I don't use it
> correctly).
> I'm not sure it should be a Tortoise or Subversion feature...
> Thanks.

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Received on Fri Jul 27 16:56:43 2007

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