Simon Large wrote:
> On 20/07/07, Robert Denton
> <> wrote:
>> My question concerns how I should handle TortoiseSVN installations in my
>> company, given a current migration that is occurring:
>> I am in the process of migrating a subversion 1.3 repository on a windows
>> server to a subverion 1.4.3 repository on a linux server. Members of the
>> subversion mailing list assure me that this should not be a painful
>> process
>> as long as I use the svnadmin dump and load commands wisely.
> In fact you don't even need to do a dump/load cycle. The repo format
> is compatible. However, I believe you will benefit from better
> compression if you do.
-- Not quite true. I'm sure I read that the bdb format cannot be
transferred from one filesystem to another. But the default format is
FSFS - it is likely that is the one you are using. In that case you can
just copy it - we copied ours from a windows 2000 system with NTFS to
a Ubuntu linux system with FAT32 without problems.
Still a dump load cycle is very straightforward.
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Received on Mon Jul 23 10:25:08 2007