Andy Hume wrote:
> On both and I see what appears to be a bug with
> the TortoiseMerge diff. The last change to a particular file in the
> repository ("strings.txt"), was the appending of two new lines.
> However when I do >Show log< and double click the file (/select >Show
> differences<) in the bottom panel, the TortoiseMerge display shows
> only one line appended! However if I do >Show differences as unified
> diff< then the two appended lines are there.
> The up-to-date content of the file (on my disk) is: [[ [...]
> ERR31036=Error saving to file. ERR31037=Error loading from file.
> WinForms_RecursiveFormCreate=There is a[...]
> WinForms_SeeInnerException=An error[...] ]]
> And the unified diff is: [[ Index: strings.txt
> error is: {0} \ No newline at end of file ]]
TortoiseMerge sometimes has problems with files that have no newline at
the end of a file.
> But as I noted TortoiseMerge shows only the
> "WinForms_RecursiveFormCreate" line being added... A screenshot is
> attached. (The two lines haven't been concatenated into one BTW).
> This is a file from the Mono project so this can be tested remotely.
> The file is
> svn://
> I've also downloaded the file's two revisions and manually running
> TortoiseMerge on them shows the same problem (not unexpectedly).
> I've attached them as they are small, diff with e.g.
> TortoiseMerge.exe /base:strings-64004.txt /mine:strings-76787.txt
Thanks for the files and the url to test this.
> Hopefully I'm not just seeing things!
No, you're not :)
I've tested this also with the latest version from trunk, and it works
there as expected. TortoiseMerge has undergone some major changes
related to file loading, so this may be a reason for this.
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Received on Sun May 20 08:56:21 2007