I have used TortoiseSVN from home smoothly. Today I tried to use it
from work(I am behind a firewall so I use a proxy) and I get the
following error:
Error: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/trunk/tutorial-service'
Error: PROPFIND of '/svn/trunk/tutorial-service': Could not read
status line: Se ha forzado la interrupción de una conexión existente
por el host remoto. (http://appfuse-demos.googlecode.com)
The spanish sentence should read "It has forced the interruption of an
existing connection for the remote host". I am not a native spanish
speaker so if anyone knows a better translation please tell me..
Now I have setup the proxy as I did for IE and Winamp. Before I set
the proxy I was getting different error: server not found or something
like that. After setting it I get the error above.
The repository I am trying to checkout is this:
I have checked out code from this repository successfully with
TortoiseSVN from home.
As well I found in some threads a common case were people behind a
proxy could not use SVN because the proxy did not accept DAV requests?
How can I check that?
Any help appreciated
Received on Wed Apr 11 17:32:25 2007