question: revert to this revision behavior
From: Jon Daley <>
Date: 2007-03-28 20:22:41 CEST
I am running 1.4.3 rev 8645, so that is later than all the bug reports and
From the tsvn log dialog, I see the "revert to this revision" option.
Can someone explain what "svn" command it is running?
I assumed it was running "svn cat -rXXX >" which would
Instead it appears to be running "svn merge HEAD:XXX" or
When would one use "revert to this revision"? ie. what is it supposed to
I guess what I want is the "save revision to" and then type in the name of
"revert" doesn't seem like the right term to me, since if there are local
From the help doc:
It doesn't really replace it if it is doing a merge, right?
Or am I misunderstanding what is going on?
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