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RE: Bugtraq:message, old revisions, "Bug-ID" and "Show Log"

From: Allen Cook <acook_at_exstream.com>
Date: 2006-10-05 17:24:32 CEST

Like I said, these are only revisions that were put in before we set those properties. So we weren't really trying to use it for defect tracking at that point. So "bugtraq:number" doesn't really affect them. Is there anything I can do to fix those other than manually editing all the old log messages?

Allen Cook

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Küng [mailto:tortoisesvn@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 11:22 AM
To: users@tortoisesvn.tigris.org
Cc: Allen Cook
Subject: Re: Bugtraq:message, old revisions, "Bug-ID" and "Show Log"

Allen Cook wrote:
> I'm using TortoiseSVN 1.4.0 build 7501
> The root Working Copy folder has the following properties
> Bugtraq:append -- false
> Bugtraq:label -- Defect:
> Bugtraq:message -- Defect #%BUGID%
> Bugtraq:number -- true
> Bugtraq:url -- http://ourdefecttracker/id=?%BUGID%
> Bugtraq:warnifnoissue -- true
> Let's say I committed a revision with the following message before I
> enabled these features
> Message: Defect # 12432, I did some things with some stuff.
> Now, when I look at show log after enabling these features, the "Bug-ID"
> column shows this for that revision
> Bug-ID: Defect # 12432, I did some things with some stuff.
> It doesn't detect that there are non-numeric characters in the "Bug-ID"
> even though I have "Bugtraq:number" set to true. Could the log stop
> reading the defect ID if it run into non-numeric characters if
> "bugtraq:number" is set to true? I would be fine with it stopping
> after the space as well, effectively leaving the Bug-ID blank, it just
> stretches out the log window and makes the Bug-ID field very wide when
> I look at one of these old revisions.

As per definition, the BUGID must be on a separate line. Since you have put your whole BUGID and the log message on the same line, TSVN must assume that the whole line is the BUGID.
The bugtraq:number property is *only* for entering the ID - it has no effect when parsing the message in the log dialog.

If you want to have your BUGID inside the log message, use the bugtraq:regex property.


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Received on Thu Oct 5 17:28:23 2006

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