Simon Large wrote:
> Liu Yubao wrote:
>> Stefan Küng wrote:
>>> On 9/13/06, Liu Yubao <> wrote:
>>>> My example repos:
>>>> /trunk/A/a
>>>> /trunk/B/b
>>>> /trunk/C/c
>>>> I want to check out A and B, with svn I can do:
>>>> svn co -N http://xxx/trunk/ work # get work/.svn
>>>> cd work # 'svn ls' shows the tree in repos, 'svn
>>>> status' shows nothing
>>>> svn update A B # get A/a, B/b, A/.svn, B/.svn
>>>> but I don't find the way to do the third step with TortoiseSVN, and I
>>>> wouldn't like to check out A and B individually as I can't commit a
>>>> patch across A and B.
>>> Sending your mail to one list would have been enough.
>>> Stefan
>> Sorry for duplicate mails.
>> The method pointed out on that URL can ignore directories that I don't
>> care, but I need do an unwanted checkout for C/ from the real repos at
>> the first time, of course, it's not a big problem, just not so intuitive.
> I agree, it's a clever solution, but only really works if you do it when
> the project is new and small, or if you already have the big checkout
> and want to hide parts of it.
> There is another solution with externals which I have just added as an
> FAQ entry:
> Note that this solution probably requires 1.4.0 ... coming soon :-)
Another cleaver solution, I test with TortoiseSVN 1.3.5, Build 6804 - 32
Bit, it works.
Thank you all, but I would rather choose 'svn update' if I have svn.exe,
I feel it's easier :-)
>> I think it's better to add an "update" menu item (and "missing" icon for
>> each missing directory?) in the SVN Repo-browser, since 'svn update' can
>> deal with this case now, we don't need a switch trick any more.
> Non-recursive checkouts seem to be even more broken in svn 1.4.0, but
> there is work under way to make them work properly, so I don't think we
> should even try to make a workaround now.
I remember the old behaviour of 'svn co -N dir' is to check out files
and empty sub directories under dir, now it only creates a .svn
directory. I don't know whether this problem is that you refer to, I
think it's a sensible decision as I can use 'svn ls' to see directory
tree and 'svn update' to update specified items.
Best regards,
Liu Yubao
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Received on Thu Sep 14 07:28:48 2006