Allen Cook wrote:
> I'm using TortoiseSVN 1.4.0 RC1
> The root Working Copy folder has the following properties
> Bugtraq:append -- false
> Bugtraq:label -- Defect:
> Bugtraq:message -- Defect #%BUGID%
> Bugtraq:number -- true
> Bugtraq:url -- http://ourdefecttracker/id=?%BUGID%
> Bugtraq:warnifnoissue -- true
> This all works as described in the docs, and is great, however when I go
> to use "recent messages" there's a problem.
> Let's say I commit a change with the following defect number and message
> Defect: 12345
> Message: "I did some stuff with those things"
> After I commit, in my "Log History" when I click "Recent Messages" I get
> the following entry
> "Defect #12345 I did some stuff with those things"
> However when I try to commit again, and select this entry from "Recent
> Messages" for my new message, I end up with this
> Defect: 12345
> Message: "se things"
> It seems when I do a "recent messages" it's not parsing the log entry
> correctly to fill the "Message:" and "Defect:" fields. Are my
> properties set wrong or is it something with TortoiseSVN? Is there a
> property I can set (i.e. logregex) that will take care of it?
Thanks for the detailed description!
Fixed in revision 7478 and backported to the 1.4.x branch in revision
7479 (so it will be in the 1.4.0 release).
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on Wed Sep 13 19:41:51 2006