Am Montag, den 10.04.2006, 19:24 +0200 schrieb Stefan Küng:
> Donald H Locker wrote:
> > Currently, when repo-browsing, when I reach the top of my hierarchy
> > (file:///\Server/Users/blahblah/SVNRepositories/) I can't discover the
> > names of the repositories contained therein. To do so, I need to use
> > Windogx Exploder to look at the directories in SVNRepositories, then
> > type the name into the URL dialog box to get to the right repository.
> That's correct: the repo browser only can fetch data from a repository.
> The list of repositories is *not* inside a repository, so there's no
> apache module to respond to the queries of the repobrowser.
> With Subversion 1.3, there's a new directive for mod_dav_svn:
> SVNListParentPath on
> which will make that module return a list of all repositories under
> SVNParentPath to a webbrowser (but that still won't work with the
> repobrowser).
> That can't be easily changed. Even if we could, it would increase the
> latency a lot, so we wouldn't do it anyway. Sorry.
Maybe you could elaborate a bit on this issue? I'm interested in exactly
the same feature for the HTTP(S)/WebDAV-based, Apache-powered scenario.
I think the new SVNListParentPath feature introduced in Subversion 1.3
is amazing, wouldn't it be possible to send an additional HTTP header
that advertizes to the (repo) browser/WebDAV client that the current URI
is a repository collection? How much is the repo browser different from
a generic WebDAV folder display utility (this might make a good FAQ
I'm currently absolving an internship at an EE/IT company, and I'm
willing to hack on the repo browser if required :).
Thanks for your great efforts!
Christian Neumair <>
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