> Shakespeare, Simon (Pensions) wrote:
> > Hi - There's an o/s bug which is that when you delete a
> file & set keep-locks
> > on the commit then the lock token remains on the deleted file.
> >
> > I now need that file again & can revert the deletion but
> can't commit
> > because of the lock token problem. Is there any way I can
> remove whatever
> > causes the problem so I can commit.
> > I get a "cannot verfiy lock on path ... no matching lock
> token available"
> > error.
> >
> > http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2507
> Unfortunately, you need the svn client to recover from this:
> svn unlock --force url/to/nonexisting/file
> Stefan
Great - That worked fine - Thanks for the quick reply - Regards Simon
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