Alex Le Dain wrote:
> I'm running svnserve under Win2000 server with Berkley database. There
> are three repositories hosted. The database has been fine for ~2 years
> now. I've upgraded on several occasions migrating from v1.0.1-2, v1.1.4,
> and 1.3.0 (with changing the db over to use Berkley 4.3).
> On occasions the svnserve application would abort without warning, say
> about once every month or more (repository me), every 6 months
> (repository ee) and only ever once (repository sw). Certainly liveable
> and the message was always 'abnormal program termination'. On occasion
> I'd have to do a recover, but there were never any of the panics
> mentioned in the troubleshooting guide and the data all seemed to be
> there so I was never overly concerned.
But you should have reported that on the Subversion mailing list. You
see, bugs that no one reports aren't going to be fixed.
> However, after upgrading svnserve to 1.3.0 these 'crashes' have appeared
> to occur much more frequently. Unfortunately they now occur about every
> 10th access of the repositories (via the TortoiseSVN repobrowser; there
> are no failures during commit, or update transactions).
> Interestingly I cannot cause the crash using the command line client
> (svn ls "svn://x.x.x.x/me" [even repeatedly from a batch file]) and only
svn ls -v "svn://x.x.x.x/me"
the repobrowser always calls 'ls' with the '-v' switch (actually, we're
calling svn_client_ls(), not the CL client, but you get the idea).
> see it if access is via tortoiseSVN's repobrowser. The way to reproduce
> the crash is repeatedly and randomly jump all over the repo browser
> window clicking on folders to open them up. I can crash the svnserve in
> as little as three clicks and at worst it takes about 20-30 clicks. I
> know that means it's probably TSVN, but I also fail to see why the
It simply *can't* be TSVN:
1. it's svnserve that's crashing, not TSVN. TSVN has bugs of its own :)
2. TSVN uses the Subversion library for all repository/working copy
operations. We don't do anything ourselves here.
> server should be this vulnerable unless TSVN is doing something really
> illegal. Even the most recent version of TSVN ( brings the
> most recent version of svnserve (1.3.1) down.
You're going after this from the wrong direction. Always start with that
what's *not* working.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on Thu May 25 16:13:49 2006