Hi David,
First, please try to format your mail a little bit. It's very hard to
read if you don't make paragraphs.
Also, usually a *sentence* starts with big letters, not every *line*.
And my present to you, since you seem to not have enough of those:
Those are used to separate sentences so that someone else reading your
stuff knows when to breathe.
Sorry if I seem a little bit harsh here. But eMail is no excuse for not
writing properly. At least if you expect an answer.
Phillips, David wrote:
> We have recently upgraded our business system from version 9.5 to
> version 10
> This required us to alter all our live websites to two branches
> approaching the
> Changeover, live (the version in use with v9.5) and v10 (to be used
> after the upgrade
> To version 10 of our business system), the problem occurred during
> the use of the
> Migration script written by our previous developer as there had been
> a point in the
> Script where the live directory was to be changed to v9 and the v10
> directory was
> To be come the live directory, this resulted in the problem that we
> could commit
> Changes to the Subversion Repository but the changes that are
> normally picked
> Up by subversion after a commit and the committed to the live branch
> of the website
> Since the folders where re-named the changes are not being committed
> from the
> Repository to the live websites even trying commands from the web
> server like
> su up will not allow the changes in subversion to be committed to the
> live website
> Can anyone tell me why its broken and put me onto a way to fix it, I
> am fairly new
> To both unix / linux and subversion but it seems its fallen to me to
> try and sort it.
Ok, I've now read your mail four times. I still don't quite get what
your problem is. You're telling a lot about the versions of your
business system, but no info we could really use to find out what's wrong.
Let me try summarize what *could* be your problem:
* you have a website, which is served from a working copy which is
updated regularly by a script (or manually).
* after you ran some migration script, the website isn't updated
anymore. But you don't know what that script did.
* the website is hosted on a unix/linux server.
Did I miss something? I think not.
So, basically, all you told us is "my system doesn't work anymore, do
you know what's wrong with it?".
Sorry, can't resist:
Still, I can give you some hints about what you can try:
A working copy is assigned to a specific url. If you changed your
'current' version from one path in the repository to another, you have
to *switch* (svn switch) your working copy to that new path.
Since you're having problems on a linux/unix server, why do you ask here
on the TortoiseSVN list? TortoiseSVN is a windows only client. Please
ask on the Subversion mailing list.
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Received on Tue May 23 21:01:34 2006