Erik Lemcke wrote:
> I have some questions about using svn for web development. I've been
> playing around with SVN and tortoiseSVN for a while and I really like
> it, but when I start thinking about using it for web development, I run
> into some difficulties.
> I want to set up a system for about three developers. They all program
> in PHP. Normaly they would edit files directly on a ftp server (with
> Zend Studio). The server is a linux server (on a remote location), while
> the developer workstations are Windows machines.
> The problem with using subversion for version management is that you
> can't really run a "working copy" on the windows machines. You could
> install apache on every machine of course, but there would still be
> little difference between the development machines and the live server.
> The best thing to do is probably give every user a "working copy" on the
> server, something like This way the developers can
> see their changes inmediatly (with a hit on the F5 button). When the
> changes are OK, they can commit them, and a hook script can make sure
> the files go to the live directory of the server (wich will then be a
> "working copy" too, so I can use the update command)
> Now the difficulty is, how do I get this running? I've been looking
> around, but FTP seems not useable for the purpose. My main question is,
> is it possible to set it up this way, and still use tortoiseSVN? (and is
> there any workaround to get it woring over FTP? or is a samba share the
> only solution?)
Don't create a working copy on the server. Working copies are supposed
to be local, that's how Subversion is designed and works best.
You can set up a script on the server which *exports* either trunk or
some user directory in the repository to a location you expose on the
server. That script can e.g. run every minute, or be triggered by a
post-commit hook.
Another way instead of exporting would be to have 'working copies' on
the server where you just *update* the changes from the users. But each
user still has his own working copy locally. You just have a different
working copy on the server, updated by a script.
> Is there any place to find more information on this subject?
The Subversion mailing list has a lot of those...
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Received on Mon May 8 18:45:09 2006