Can we please drop this thread?
Edward, the bottom line is this:
TSVN is not/will not be the route for this feature, it just isn't practical. This would, IMHO, be something that would need to be integrated into subversion to be usable to most people (as there just isn't a straight-forward method of making explorer update... perhaps one of the other clients that has its own file explorer would work better). You can float your feature request on the Subversion user/dev list, but a) you will likely get the same advice you have received here, and b) you will likely see even more resistance (or be told that svn and tsvn are two different things and you need to request the feature on the tsvn user/dev list). I'm not saying that the feature isn't useful, but it is probably a lost cause to argue this point in the subversion community.
I've thought of several different approaches to this problem myself and I just haven't come up with anything really great... yet.
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Received on Wed Apr 26 23:07:19 2006