That's why they are saying to check it in on a branch.
Eg if this is frequent workflow, then you might consider creating a
branch per workspace.
That way you (or any developer) can check in the day's work at the end
of a day w/o breaking anybody else. Actually as long as the version
control system/architecture doesn't get in the way, this is very
It just means that you're "real checkin" is a branch merge. This
"shouldn't be" a big deal...
The only pain for a large project in subversion is the
time/error-proneness of switching.
Note that some version control systems do this by default (eg Accurev).
It automagically creates a "branch" (stream in their terminology) for a
workspace on checkout, and when you commit you are actually committing
to your "branch" first. And when you want to "really commit" you say
"keep" which does the merge without calling it a merge and without
requiring explicit "branching" names etc. (basically in a normal
situation instead of saying checkin, you say "commit" followed
immediately by a "keep" and all this is transparent).
Again, if your workflow warrants this, it seems the way to go. Actually
once you see how Accurev does this seamlessly, you really want it even
if it has some overhead to emulate in your version control system.
After all, one of the biggest reasons to use version control is to keep
track of changes and to not lose changes. So it makes a lot of sense to
give developers the ability to check in at will. It just takes a
different mindset perhaps to deal with working with branches more
-----Original Message-----
From: news [] On Behalf Of Lorenz
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 2:41 AM
Subject: Re: How to diff file within working copy based on branch
against trunc?
Hi Peter,
Peter McNab wrote:
>In reality, because Subversion's branching is so cheap in terms of
>repos size, if you really need to do this a lot, then it's valid to
>create another branch and check the files into that so you can do the
>diffing and trial merging between versioned files. [...]
The files are versioned already, one from trunc the other in a working
copy based on a trunc.
The problem I have with your approach is that I don't like to checkin a
not functional merge result just to be able to do a diff.
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Received on Fri Apr 21 18:56:35 2006