Craig Scott wrote:
> I’m using TortoiseSVN (1.3.2, Build 5840 - 32 Bit) in a Windows XP
> environment. Unfortunately, VisualStudio2005 is ‘randomly’ changing the
> case of various source files in my working folder. This is causing TSVN
> to delete then re-add the file. Having trawled the mailing lists, I was
> under the impression that TSVN helps us out with this problem by
> surreptitiously renaming the file back to what it is in the repository.
> It doesn’t appear to work, however. Does anyone know anything about
> this? Do I need to ‘enable’ the feature? – the only reference to it that
> I can find is
I don't know of any solution, but am very much interested in one, or at
least a work around. (I know, the correct solution is called "Microsoft
fixes buggy software"...) Developers here have also been annoyed by
Visual Studio 2005 random case renamings. I was never able to reproduce
the Visual Studio problem on my machine, but according to developers
Tortoise did seem to be doing some kind of automatic adding of renamed
files which caused them to not notice the real problem and messed with
the file's history.
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Received on Tue Apr 4 17:01:51 2006