Young, Jason (GE Infrastructure) wrote:
> This question has been bugging me:
> If they are part of the server (which I'm assuming means they are
> launched BY the server), what actually launches them if you are
> accessing your repository using file://? Doesn't the client actually
> launch them? Or is there a server process that monitors some files? I
> guess I don't completely understand the architechure, and I couldn't
> find anything in the subversion book.
I don't know the real internals, but I will try to explain it. Let's say it is
something like a repository access layer that calls the hook scripts. This is
the part that works directly on the files. Therefore it has no idea whether it
works in a server or a client and is not interested to know that. It just
executes the hook scripts if it finds some. The server and the client
implementation share this piece of code.
HTH, Rainer
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Received on Tue Feb 7 21:34:18 2006