> I've since added him to the admin group of SVNAccessFile as posted
> initially, and lo and behold, he can commit again. I'd still like to know
> why he couldn't when he was just in itdev, since itdev has rw on each repo.
> Yeah, I remember the list mentioning that, and checked the changelog
> before I posted. That's the primary reason I'm confused, since it worked
> before the 1.3 client&server update!
My best guess is that something with 1.3 server changed how it is reading
tue svn auth file. Basically, it seems the per repository definitions are
no longer working. Either somehow its now expectina all lower case, or who
knows? It just seems like the non repository specific [/] now works, while
your repository specific [Apps:/] etc. aren't. I imagine adding @itdev = rw
to the [/] section would likely have the same effect as adding him to the
admin directory.
- Jody
Received on Thu Jan 26 21:14:52 2006