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RE: tortoisesvnscc

From: Matthew Janulewicz <MJanulewicz_at_greendotcorp.com>
Date: 2006-01-25 18:49:53 CET

I've asked the same thing on the TortoiseSVNSCC list, and there doesn't
seem to be anyone else out there. The last build available is from late
last year, so (in my opinion) it is relatively up to date.

I haven't been able to get it to work correctly. I can activate it and
use Visual Studio to try to 'open from source control' but all it seems
to do is open the regular checkout dialog and check out a project. It
doesn't automagically find the .sln file and check out the related
projects underneath.

Once I have my project checked out and open in Visual Studio, it doesn't
seem to be able to bind the projects to Subversion.

This looks promising as a direct replacement for the SCC plugin that my
Visual SourceSafe users are used to (discounting the fact that the VSS
plugin is garbage to begin with.)

Personally, I like Ankh. It has more features/options than any SCC
plugins I've seen (yes, I know Ankh isn't SCC.)

I'm also an avid Perforce user, and their SCC plugin is pretty good. But
I suspect the API for SCC is limited as it pretty much has all the same
menu options as any other SCC plugin (not versatile.)

I could be using the Subversion SCC plugin incorrectly, and when you
think about it, the two models of source control contradict each other
(lock-edit-commit vs edit-commit) so I'm not sure how the generic SCC
menu would match up with Subversion's model.

If you find anything out, I'd like to know, too.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Schneider [mailto:r.schneider@weingartner.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 12:16 AM
To: users@tortoisesvn.tigris.org
Subject: tortoisesvnscc

Has anyone knowledge or experiences with tortoisesvnscc?
What is it for? Does it work? Is it up to date?
Is it a possible replacement for Ankhsvn?


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Received on Wed Jan 25 20:11:11 2006

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