On 1/24/06, Ramón Zamora <ramonzamora@gmail.com> wrote:
> hello!, i'm half time musician =D i use tortoiseSvn for my software
> projects, but i use it too with adobe audition (multitrack recording
> program) to version my tracks and songs!!, i have to say it is great, for
> example, i can allways bring back the original clean version of a track to
> compare it with the current version, and i save diskspace because the old
> method of copyng and renaming folders (v1, v2, _v2...) is not needed
> anymore, i have to say i'm very happy with it, and now i tend to version
> everything =D, the only bad thing is that commits are slooooowww
This is the music-software list, right? :-)
Ramon: I've always thought about doing that too... it turns out,
though, that a lot of multitrack recording software has version
control built into it already. You can do multiple "takes" of a
recording on a single track, and the most recent version always
displays. But the program still remembers the older 'takes' for you
too, if you want them.
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Received on Tue Jan 24 18:10:34 2006