I am sure this must be well known, but in all my googling (and yahooing and
A9ing and archive searching) I can't find it, apologies in advance if this
is addressed somewhere.
To access the root of a repository, as with any dir resource, convention
would dicatate that a trailing slash needs to be appended, otherwise the
server will return a 301 pointing to the trailing-slash version. In all my
other svn clients I can list the root via "
https://myserver/svn/rootofmyrepo/", or even use the slash-less version and
they will follow the 301 (SmartSVN does this, for example). In Tortoise,
however, if I specify a path like this then the client removes the trailing
slash I entered and sends the url without it, the server responds with a
301, and the client doesn't follow it. So I can never interact with the
root of the repository. I can see all this by snffing the HTTP (when I
disable SSL to do so, that is). Note that this is not the same issue as in
the oft-referenced "301 FAQ."
Should I not be able to browse or otherwise interact with the repository
root, or is there some way to tell the client that it is the root and to
leave the URL I enter alone?
Thanks for any assistance, am a big fan of Tortoise and this is the only
wrinkle I am trying to work out,
Received on Wed Jan 4 03:41:18 2006