Jody Shumaker wrote:
> This is the issue, apache log shows it as user Guest. Can TortoiseSVN
> be changed so it prompts the user if the current credentials fail? This
> all worked fine before, but now anyone trying to access the server
> outside the office will likely have this problem.
Very unlikely. Users outside your office won't be part of the same
domain, so SSPI won't work at all and then it should work as before.
I've increased the retry limit in revision 5339 (also backported to 1.3.x).
Can you please try the next nightly build (the 1.3.x folder).
> There also seems to be another oddity thatt this change might be
> causing. One user pointed out that some operations are slower with the
> 1.3.0RC1. Checking apache logs, 1.2.4 client would query the server once
> getting a 401 authentication error, then it would use proper login for
> the next batch of queries. 1.3.0RC1 client does 2 queries that end up
> in 401's before doing a proper query for every single query. Something
> that took 1 bad query and 9 good queries in 1.2.4 is now taking 18 bad
> queries and 9 good queries. We've only specifically noticed this problem
> with checking diffs but it probably has to do with the number of http
> queries involved. This seems like though something I should be reporting
> on the SVN list?
Oh yes, please do! In that case, you should write directly to the
Subversion dev list, not the user list.
> Could my apache auth possibly be changed?
> <Location /svn>
> DAV svn
> SVNParentPath E:\svn\repositories
> AuthName "Subversion repositories"
> SSPIAuth On
> SSPIAuthoritative On
> SSPIDomain XYZ.COM <http://XYZ.COM>
> SSPIOfferBasic On
> SSPIOmitDomain On # remove domain name in userid string
> # passed down to mod_authz_svn
> AuthType SSPI
> AuthzSVNAccessFile E:\svn\svnaccessfile.conf
> Require valid-user
> </Location>
This looks good. Maybe you can try once with the
SSPIOfferBasic On
changed to
SSPIOfferBasic Off
and check the apache log if that makes any difference.
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Received on Tue Jan 3 21:44:14 2006