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From: Julien Cugnière <julien.cugniere_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2016 20:21:06 +0100


Today, I stumbled into a situation where TortoiseSVN allowed the user
to do something that it should probably prevent. Though I'm not sure
it can be called a bug.

The scenario is that an inexperienced user is trying to create a
branch "B" from "A" :

1. In a working copy, right-click on folder "A", and open the
"Branch/tag" dialog.
2. Copy the URL displayed in "From WC / URL", and paste it into the
"To path:" field (yes, I know...)
3. In the URL that was just pasted, replace "A" with "B". This step is
not strictly required to reproduce the problem.
4. Check the option "Create intermediate folders".
5. Click "Ok".

If the path entered in step 2/3 looks like "svn://",
Tortoise will then proceed to create the following folders at the root
of the repository :


This succeeds, because SVN is OK with folders containing ":". However
Windows is not, and any attempt to checkout or update a working copy
of the root of the repository will result in the following error:

    '.' is not valid as filename in directory 'c:\path\to\working\copy'

Thankfully, once one figures out what is going on, the problem can be
fixed easily, by using the repo-browser to delete the offending
folder. But it sure led to some anxiety :)

This is a user error, but maybe TortoiseSVN could prevent the user
from creating a path containing characters invalid in Windows, just
like it prevents users from creating files that differ only by case.

Anyway, as always, thank you for the hard work put into the
development of TortoiseSVN !

Julien Cugnière
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Received on 2016-11-10 20:21:38 CET

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